DENSIT® High Performance Polymer Concrete

Densit®, a pioneer in Ultra High Performance Concretes was established in 1983. Densit® also specializes in the development, production and delivery of high-performance solutions for repair and protection of industrial equipment. Densit® product range is widely used in a number of industries including, steel, cement, paper and pulp, power plants, wind, marine and oil & gas. Densit® is a material combination of extremely high strength compounds providing superior protection against moderate to severe wear – available as both low and high temperature products, catering for process temperatures up to 400°C and 1200°C respectively.



Densit® WearFlex 500 is a trowellable, two-component, high strength, dry mortar compound that provides superior protection against moderate to severe wear, catering for process temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).


  • High resistance to erosive and abrasive wear
  • You can easily form any shape without vulnerable joints
  • Seamless graduation in lining thicknesses
  • Tolerates thermal shock
  • Wear linings can be put to use after just 24 hours

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearFlex:
Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.


Densit® WearFlex 1000 is a trowellable, one-component, high strength, ready mix that provides superior protection against moderate to severe erosive wear, catering for process temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).


  • Highly resistant to erosive and abrasive wear
  • You can easily form any shape without vulnerable joints
  • Seamless graduation in lining thicknesses
  • Tolerates thermal shock
  • Wear linings can be put to use after just 24 hours

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearFlex:
Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.


Densit® WearFlex 2000 is a trowellable, one-component, high strength, ready mix that provides superior protection against heavy erosive wear, catering for process temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).


  • Highly resistant to erosive and abrasive wear
  • You can easily form any shape without vulnerable joints
  • Seamless graduation in lining thicknesses
  • Tolerates thermal shock
  • Wear linings can be put to use after just 24 hours

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearFlex:
Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.


Densit® WearFlex 2000 HT is a trowellable, one-component, high strength, ready mix that provides superior protection against heavy erosive wear, catering for process temperatures up to 1200°C (2190°F).


  • Highly resistant to erosive and abrasive wear
  • You can easily form any shape without vulnerable joints
  • Seamless graduation in lining thicknesses
  • Tolerates thermal shock
  • Wear linings can be put to use after just 24 hours

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearFlex:
Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.


Densit® WearFlex 3000 is a trowellable, one-component, high strength, ready mix that provides superior protection against heavy erosive wear, catering for process temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).


  • Highly resistant to erosive and abrasive wear
  • You can easily form any shape without vulnerable joints
  • Seamless graduation in lining thicknesses
  • Tolerates thermal shock
  • Wear linings can be put to use after just 24 hours

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearFlex:
Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.


Densit® WearCast is a range of extremely high strength compounds providing superior protection against moderate to severe wear, mainly used for lining pipes, bends and other system components.

Densit® WearCast 2000 wear resistant linings provide superior protection against heavy erosive wear at temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).

Densit® WearCast 2000 is a castable one-component ready-mix delivered in 25 kg bags.

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® Wearcast 2000:
Cyclone wet and dry, separators, slag and coal handling equipment; pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, fly ash, slag and coal; dust extraction equipment; static and dynamic separators; cyclones; flash; chutes, etc.


Densit® WearCast is a range of extremely high strength compounds providing superior protection against moderate to severe wear mainly used for lining pipes, bends and other system components.

Densit® WearCast 2000 HT wear resistant linings provide superior protection against heavy erosive wear at temperatures up to 1200°C (2190°F).
Densit® WearCast 2000 HT is a castable one-component ready-mix delivered in 25 kg bags.

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® Wearcast 2000:

Power plant burners, gasifiers, slag dryers, rotary dryers, calciners, high temperature cyclones, hot gas ductings, furnace feed chutes, tap launders, and many more.



Densit® WearSpray is suitable for wear protection of large areas and system components with complex geometric shapes exposed to moderate to severe wear.

Densit® WearSpray can be sprayed both horizontally, vertically and overhead. Installation capacity can easily be more than 100m2 a day and a rebound loss of less than 1% of the material only.

Densit® WearSpray 500 wear resistant linings provide excellent protection against moderate wear at temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearSpray:

  • Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal
  • Pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal
  • Dust extraction equipment 
  • Static and dynamic separators
  • Cyclones; flash; chutes etc.


Densit® WearSpray is suitable for wear protection of large areas and system components with complex geometric shapes exposed to moderate to severe wear.

Densit® WearSpray can be sprayed both horizontally, vertically and overhead. Installation capacity can easily be more than 100m2 a day and a rebound loss of less than 1% of the material only.

Densit® WearSpray 2000 wear resistant linings provide excellent protection against moderate wear at temperatures up to 400°C (750°F).

Examples of plant equipment and system components lined with Densit® WearSpray:

  • Grinding mills for clinker, cement, slag and coal
  • Pneumatic conveyor systems for cement, slag and coal
  • Dust extraction equipment
  • Static and dynamic separators
  • Cyclones, Flash, Chutes, Etc.