What can we offer you?

Pro-Op Industries is dedicated to creating value for our clients through innovative process related services. We believe that a sustainable approach to mitigating the negative effect of an economic downturn is to focus on inefficiencies. Identifying and addressing inefficiencies in the mining and manufacturing environment are often made difficult by an already strained and in some cases under resourced organization. We have found that although individual or even groups of people are made responsible for optimizing processes and systems, efforts are often not focused and driven. In most cases this is due to divided attention and responsibility.

We offer a method to addressing these value destroying inefficiencies, through focus, urgency, knowledge and experience. Our approach to process optimization is governed by our mission, which is to deliver superior products and services in order to first and foremost create value for our clients. In our short history our clients have found that we solve problems cost effectively and that they always have a very positive return on investment.


Process optimization
Plant audits
Project management
Feasibility studies
Process development
Root cause analysis

Maintenance Agreements

Where viable and where needed service agreements are available in order to ensure that products purchased is used and maintained to its maximum potential. Agreements are set-up according to customer needs.

Energy Management

Measuring and verification services according to internationally accepted protocol also used by Eskom, provided by accredited Engineers.

Refractory Recycling

Management of spent refractories including sorting and removal from site. All recycled refractories are used in responsible and sustainable manner to produce new refractory materials.